
This is a “compulsory tradition” on every Kilimanjaro climb. We recommend giving a tip of between US $ 190 to US $ 250 per climber to the mountain crew at the end of the climb. The exact tipping amount depends on group size and how many days were spent on the mountain. We recommend giving the tip to the main guide who will then distribute the tip among the mountain crew. We recommend not paying any tips until you and all your gear have descended from the mountain.

The average recommended tip per group per day:

  • Chief guide – US $ 20 per chief guide per day from the group
  • Assistant Guide – US $ 12 per assistant guide per day from the group
  • Cook – US $ 8 per cook per day from the group
  • Porters – US $ 6 per porter per day from the group

It is recommended not to pay your porters any tips until you and all your gear have descended from the mountain.

More on becoming a guide on Kilimanjaro

Qualifying as a Kilimanjaro guide brings with it great prestige and respect within the local community. Bearing in mind that your guide was employed as a porter for at least 3 years after which he was trained and employed as an assistant guide for at least further 2 years. Only then, did he earn an opportunity to becoming a registered guide, provided that he was found suitable and competent. On average, guides and porters do three (5 – 6 day) summit expeditions per month. That equally estimates to between 15-18 days per month on the mountain!

This is without a doubt an extraordinary achievement to mention..

I want to climb Mt Kilimanjaro

+255 752 573 805 info@wildkingsafrica.com